Vet viewer

Vet Viewer is a benchmarking service for small animal and mixed vet practices. It enables vets to compare their activities to other anonymous practices in the panel. If you are a member of SPVS, you gain additional benchmarking on key criteria and common procedures, providing the practice with some basic profitability measurements.

We provide the quantitative data you need to analyse, benchmark and monitor your practice's performance, delivering vital information to help you form your strategic business decisions.

By using Vet Viewer you can quickly understand your key business metrics each month and get a clear view of each of your practice activities and the income they are producing. In addition, you may compare your practice’s key activity numbers against others in your region, allowing you to assess your achievements, along with tracking your performance over time as staff and business processes change.

The data submitted to us is safe - we use https for website security and access is controlled via encryption. We promise to never reveal your details or your data to anyone else and while we may use your data for market research purposes, this will always be on an anonymous, non-identifiable basis.


Quickly understand your key business metrics each month. Get a clear view of your practice activities and the income they are producing.

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Compare your practice’s key activity numbers against other vet practices. Find out whether you’re behind the curve or ahead of the game.

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Track your performance over time as staff and business processes change. We provide the quantitative data you need to inform your strategic business decisions.

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